Wednesday, August 24

How to wear Mary Katrantzou
a. Mary Katrantzou blouse @ Matches and Markus Lupfer skirt @ Net-a-Porter, b. Mary Katrantzou blouse @ Net-a-Porter and Dolce & Gabbana skirt @ Net-a-Porter
Some times it's hard to see how runway looks could translate onto the street before designers edit their pieces for retailers. Especially with the best collections.

Mary Katrantzou is always on my top 5 favourite London designers. However, apart from Anna dello Russo and a couple of other fashion insiders who wear Mary during fashion week it's hard to find her clothes on regular people.
It looks like Katrantzou has actually done a great job adapting her famous prints on ready-to-wear items. My favourite are the printed shirts and blouses. Thinking of how you could buy them and wear them in a way to resemble Mary's aesthetic. Instead of pairing them with a printed skirt or trousers I think the best option would be to wear the Katrantzou blouses with a textured skirt like the tweet ones to the right. They work as a pattern that keeps the outfit interesting without being too overpowering or bold and staying fashion-forward and true to the designer's vision.

How would you wear Mary Katrantzou?

1 comment:

AliceandEllen said...

I definitely wear it! Not every day but in special occasions. Love her!