Sunday, September 16

Issa SS13- Garden of Eden
Issa SS13: Garden of Eden
Courtesy of Issa
Every season, before my first show at London Fashion Week, I get this feeling I used to get on the first day of school. It's a kind of excitement of what's to come without knowing what to expect. And that is exactly where I was at before the Issa show yesterday evening.
The show invite hinted at a tropical theme but I had to wait to see the show that revealed the perfect holiday wardrobe for a sophisticated and sleek woman who is not afraid of bold colours and vivid prints. My favourite pieces included some of the draped dresses that Issa is known for and that always make an appearance season after season. I also loved the slight oriental touch of the styling and some of the cuts. This are clothes to be worn at a remote luxury hotel in Bali.

fPAYIW on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

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