Tuesday, September 14


This week, I had a couple of those days when you really fancy sitting on the sofa eating junk and watching lots of episodes of your favourite show. In my case, this could only mean and O.C. marathon. I thanked God for the existence of online streaming when I found out I had never brought the box sets back to London from Madrid. And finally I started watching again and remembered why it's my favourite show ever. It very much opened way for shows like Gossip Girl in terms of fashion. These are some of the reasons why you should watch it if you haven't and why you should do it again (and again) if you have.

1. Marissa's Chanel collection. 2.55's, Jumbo's, you name it, she's got it. She also wears a lot of Chanel clothes. My two favourite ones from the first season are the burgundy patent leather one and the little baby blue one she wears to therapy. She's always perfectly dressed for any occasion. It was her who introduced me to mojitos in that sexy LBD number and to the band 'Rooney' with her rock-chick look. (And she reminds me SO much of my friend María).
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2. Seth Cohen was pretty much my personal epitome of style and cool until I was 20. He was unique and happy to be so but also very effortless. Week after week, I'd try to emulate the smart shirt and casual jumper combo to go to school. I also tried giving Chrismukkah a go (even though I am not Jewish) but people didn't seem to even understand it in Spain.
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3. I LOOOVED Kristen and Julie. The fact that they wore perfect hair and jewellery to 'yogalates' practise made me giggle and melt in delight at once. I do have to say I become fonder or Julie's looks in later seasons. A special favourite episode of mine is 'The Rainy Day Women'.
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4. Every teenage show has and 'I love you' episode but I will remember The O.C.'s forever. Marissa (in Chanel) declares his love to Ryan and he replies 'Thank you'. The comments about the incident throughout the episode are absolutely priceless.
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5. I was the biggest fan of the Anna-Summer-Seth triangle. It made things so much finnier, and wittier. Anna also had a super quirky but very cool style that delivered moments like the one below, slightly 50's look with a polo shirt and a fleece jacket or the lace number under it.
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I'm off.

[Pictures: screen caps]


LoliTa said...

oc was THE best! seth cohen just makes me happy!

Coco's Tea Party said...

I love the O.C although I think season was the best. After that it slowly went downhill until it died a sad death.

hylomorph said...

MODE ET UTOPIE is back!! Please follow the redesigned: http://modeetutopie.wordpress.com/.
I’ve missed all of you so much! Please come back and contribute your comments.

(Hey Inaki! I have to say I really loved this show. The innocence of the teen soap has been lost. Anyway, hope you will be back to comment! Ciao - Riz)