Wednesday, September 12

next, on soVIPzone...

The first half of September has almost expired, which means that Autumn is cleaning its shoes on the mat and we have to ready our coats and sweaters to look as good as we can.
This is my favourite season of all and this year it is going to be even more exciting since I will be going to London for three months. soVIPzone will still be working, and I will try to post as regularly as always. I hope the experience in my beloved city inpires me even more to provide you with the most cool and up-to-date trends for Fall.
See the list of future F/W 2007 reviews you'll be finding in your coolness source throughout these coming weeks:

Alexander McQueen
Marc Jacobs

Alexander McQueen
Paul Smith
Yves Saint Laurent

Get ready for HARDCORE cold and the finest fashion to fight it.
I'm off.

PS. Remember to keep visiting soVIPfotolog & soVIPmyspace for the latest info on your favourite blog!

1 comment:

Richarsson said...

desde luego que seguirás escribiendo con regularidad. estarás en london! tendrás que escribir mas. deberias acer un diario para que no se te escape nada. ahora me voy a tu cena de despedida pero en diciembre prepara a london para nuestro desembarco.